Friday, February 21, 2014

NOLA Comic Con Costume Contest 2014 andSyfy's Heroes of Cosplay

So, it all started when we began watching a show on the Syfy Channel, called, Heroes of Cosplay.  I love costumes, and this show was right up my alley. I thought Tate would be thrilled to go to a Comic Con and see all the dressed up Super Heroes, so I offered to take the kids to the next one that came to NOLA.

Then, it was Halloween and Brady was working on my totally awesome costume for the Anne Rice Vampire Ball.

 Steampunk Vampire
Well, since he was involved in that, and the one he was making for a paying customer, I was on my own for Halloween costumes. Chloë’s was awesome. Tate’s was ok, and mine was a disaster.
attempt at The Bride of Frankenstein
Frankie Stein
Lil Frank

 I was so upset. Brady took pity on me and offered to make us some great costumes for Comic Con so we could do our family pics in our usual style. And it was on!

So, since Chloë always shines, I decided to focus on Tate for this group theme, and he picked Super Heroes. Of course, I had to make it Steampunk, and we decided on a Batman Theme. I wanted to be Harley Quinn, the Joker’s girlfriend, but Chloë stole it from me. We ended up with Harley Quinn, a Lady Riddler, and Tate was perfect as Robin.

I scanned pinterest and google images for ideas, but there are very few Lady Riddlers, and even fewer Steampunk Riddlers, etc. I came up with a design for Chloë and myself, and copied a design I found for Tate’s Robin.

My inspiration, and my results for Steampunk Lady Riddler

My Pinterest inspiration, and the results for Steampunk Robin

The original idea I had for Chloë’s corset did not happen, since she is so small, and we ended up purchasing most of her costume. I did manage to sew her shirt, with Brady’s assistance, but still, I SEWED! And I made her tulle bustle.

Steampunk Harley Quinn

Brady took a break til January, so he only had 3 weeks to get both costumes done, so he was super stressed and constantly working on that. The original design I had for Lady Riddler was not working out too well, so Brady forced me to wear another corset. He used the same pattern from my Vamp dress, so we knew it would fit. In the end, it came out great! We had to change the materials completely when we made the jacket, and the Green looked Grey. So, we decided to go for more Comic Book colors, instead of pretty duller colors. The only down side, we had to take the jacket to a Monogram shop to get the question marks put on.  Since we had less time due to re-making the jacket, we didn’t have the option to have it done BEFORE the jacket was sewn. After being shot down by several shops, we found a place to do it. However, when we got it back, she had almost ruined the jacket. She popped several seams, the fabric rolled and gathered, and it just fit differently, not to mention she put some of the question marks in the wrong places. But, what was done was done.

Tate’s costume was fairly simple, and came out just perfect. He did pop the seam in the crotch during our photo shoot, but I blame the photographer and the pose she had him in.

Winnie and Matt decided to join us, so we got all dressed up and headed to NOLA. Once again, another long drive in a corset.

As soon as we got there, it was like instant celebrity. Well, mini-celebrity anyway. We entered the building and people were already stopping us to take our pictures. We had intended on going to several of the panels, but there was so much to see and so many people, we didn’t really make it. We were constantly stopped for photos. Someone from the Con stopped me and told me we should enter the costume contest, so I headed over for information. Now, I had mentioned to Brady that we should enter it, so that he would feel great about the wonderful costume he made. (He gets in moods where he is sick of sewing, and says he never will again. So, I figured if he got an ego boost from that many people admiring his work, he might agree to make me more costumes. ) However, when I found out they would be filming an episode of Heroes of Cosplay; I knew that I would not win anything, and it made me more nervous. I did enter the contest, but had no idea what was to come.

Chloë’s costume was a big hit, as there were many Harley Quinns out there and they all wanted pics with her. At one point we found a group of Batman characters and had some fun shots. The kids got to take a pic with the Dalek and the Tardis. 

Dalek . . . Exterminate! Exterminate!

Tate in the Tardis

Chloë and the Tardis

Tate even got a pic with Thor before we knew he was a famous cosplayer.

Ryan Frye as Thor

We met Yaya Han, got her autograph and a picture with her.

Yaya Han with our steampunk DC family

Winnie and Matt left us for some panels. My feet were killing me. (I swear I will never wear fishnet stockings again!) Chloë was in pain from her first experience with high heels, and we ended up just sitting for a long time because neither of us could walk. Then they did a group photo session of all the DC and Marvel cosplayers, and no one was around to take any pics for me.

I got to sneak some pics of the famous people that were there, so that was interesting too.

Norman Reedus, aka Daryl Dixon and Steven Yuen, aka Glen, from The Walking Dead,

Steven Yuen, aka Glen

Norman Reedus, aka Daryl Dixon

Then it came time for me to leave the kids with Brady and head to the contest. It was supposed to start at 7:15, and I had to be there at 6:30. I took the long walk to the theater, all by myself.

When I got to the line, I saw a Lady Joker that we had conversed with earlier. I felt a comradery with her, so I asked her if she minded if I stood with her.

Julie Carr as lady Joker

We chatted for a while, and talked to the guy dressed as Blade in front of us. It was a long time standing, and my feet were hurting so bad. I was worried I would be able to walk across the stage.

They had given us no instructions at all whatsoever. I asked Lady Joker if she was even instructed to line up there and she said she only did because everyone else was. I started to get really nervous. Then someone from Wizard World came and did a video interview with Blade.


 I felt like I was photo bombing him, being right behind him, and not knowing if we should move or not move. Then, they came.

The producers for Heroes of Cosplay looked right at me and walked up to the three of us. She said, “You three look like nice people. We are going to film an episode right here, with one of our cast members. When he comes up, just say you are number 53 or something.” !!!!!!!!!! We said ok, and I asked her which cast member, she said it was Jesse (Lagers). I was slightly relieved; since I was at least familiar with him, and admired his SteamTrooper he did in one episode. Blade and Joker had no idea, so I explained what little I knew. They told us, “whatever you do, don’t look at the cameras.” So, since Blade was across from me, and Joker was next to me, I said, “I will just look at you, Blade, the whole time. You look at me. Joker, I don’t know what to tell ya!” I explained to Blade and Joker a little bit about the show and Jesse, they did not seem familiar with it/him. Well, when they turned on the cameras, and Jesse walked up, it was like Blade and Joker just shut down, didn’t talk, didn’t move, etc. I was on my own.

So right at this time my phone is blowing up with messages from my sister on Facebook messenger and a text from Brady. I was so not answering them!

Jesse walks up and asks, “What number are you?” “53”, “oh good, I am 52”. – Reality check, I was number 10, Blade was 101, Joker was actually in the 50s I think, and Jesse had no number, all scripted for the show.

So then we start talking. I had NO idea who he was dressed up as. We did some small talk for a while. Since he was dressed in furs, and he was from Portland, we talked about the warm weather here. I said, “What we call cold you probably call hot.” We talked about breaking the gender barrier, since I was a LADY Riddler and was with a LADY Joker, he said something about seeing that a lot in New Orleans. We did the, “how long did you work on your costume” around the circle of us. When he asked me, I proudly told him, “My husband made mine, took him about 3 weeks.” He was impressed with “dudes that can sew.” I mentioned that he had 3 weeks to do mine and a Steampunk Robin for my son, but that they wouldn’t let him in the contest since he was a kid. Jesse’s eyes got real big, and he said, “Ooooh, I have a thing for Steampunk Robins.” Then it got kinda quiet, I ran out of stuff to talk about. Luckily, some guy from behind me was familiar with Jesse’s character, and took over the conversation. I thought he said Jesse was Thor, but he sure didn’t look like Thor. (Turns out he was Thorin Oakenshield from the Hobbit.)

Then another guy came up and started talking to Jesse. I got the feeling he was another cast member, so I backed away a bit and tried to talk, through my teeth, to Joker and Blade. They finally turned off the cameras. Jesse stayed and another guy was there too, but I can’t remember when he came in. I asked him if he was with the show, and he said he was a new cast member this season, but no one knew yet. I took a pic of him. (He was dressed as Mr. Marvel.) I took a pic with Jesse. Jesse’s wife came up, I said, “You are Jesse’s wife!” and did some Jazz Hand kinda motion. She got excited and said yes and did the same Jazz Hand kinda motion. She was pretty cool. Some other cosplayer stopped by Blade to take a pic. He handed his camera to the “other cast member guy” – Mr. Marvel, and asked him to take a pic of him with Blade. He did. After he left, I said to “other cast member guy”, “he has no idea what just happened, does he? Boy when he watches the show and realizes he asked you to take a pic of him and not with him, he will feel stupid.” We all laughed. Eventually Jesse and the rest all left us.

Me and Jesse Lagers as Thorin Oakenshield

other cast member guy as Mr. Marvel

I sent out a quick text that I was on TV to Brady. Then someone finally showed up to line us up in order. Turns out I was #10 and going to be #10 and that meant that only 9 people were going in front of me. I started to freak out and get nervous. Finally they gave some instructions on what we had to do, but I zoned out after he said follow the white arrows! I quickly asked, “wait, what?” and someone said, “just follow the person in front of you.” I was separate from Blade and Joker and went to the front of the line. So, it turns out I was standing in line for HOURS that I did not need to be in. But, had I not, I would not have met Jesse, his wife, and been filmed for the show. A guy Riddler was in front of me, named Dustin, and Snow White was behind me, further known here as Snow White the Bitch. It seems like forever later, they started walking us to the stage. The guy in charge was really rude and kept yelling at people to stop talking. I took some pics of the cosplayers around me.

As we passed the Greenroom back stage, Yaya Han was just chillin’ in the hall. She waved at us, told us we all looked great and would do great, gave us a thumbs up. She was super nice, even without her audience and cameras.
We were literally behind the curtain. I was getting more nervous. Suddenly, I had to pee. There was NO way that was gonna happen, so I just kept trying to relax myself and not pee, and not trip, and not freak out.

Turns out we were right by the bucket full of trophies. Since I didn’t know what the categories were, I snooped. I picked up one of the trophies to look at it. Dustin/Riddler freaked out. He went ballistic about how I was going to get in trouble; I shouldn’t touch it, etc etc. I ignored him. At least I can say, “I held the trophy in my hand.” There was much more standing and waiting. Dustin/Riddler and Snow White droned on and on about previous encounters with the Heroes of Cosplay show, costume contests, etc. Suddenly, Billy comes up. (Some guy dressed up as Billy from Gremlins.) He rants on and on about how he thought he was #58 and later found out he was #8 and we all attempted to explain the S (for Single vs Group) was an S and not a 5. Snow White the Bitch, Dustin/Riddler and Billy got into a convo about the evils of the Show and Yaya Han, etc. I honestly could not remember what they were talking about actually occurring on the show. (Later when discussing it with Brady, we determined what they were saying is NOT how it happened, and I still stand firm that Yaya Han is awesome and not evil and snobby.)

My feet were really killing me and I was just trying to focus on not falling on my face when I walked out on stage. Rude annoying guy came by and informed us that we had to walk out to the first X, pose for 5 seconds, ham it up for the cameras, then walk down the catwalk to the T, pose for 10 seconds, ham it up for the camera, then return back to the X, pose 5 seconds, ham it up for the camera, and then exit stage left. OMG there was no way I am going to “ham it up for the camera”. I am so nervous. We can hear the host introducing the judges, etc. and each time the crowd roars, I am thinking, “OMG! HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE OUT THERE?!” (Turns out, about 4000. THOUSAND, yes I said THOUSAND.) I am thinking to myself, I am a fat chic, in a corset, and my feet are not working. I will be lucky if I can walk down the stage, let alone ham it up for the cameras.

1 of 3 sections of the crowd, shown in picture here when Matt Smith was on stage

Snow White the Bitch is now practicing her poses. I notice my front corset lacings keep sneaking out, so I am attempting to tuck them in repeatedly. I notice my left spat is crooked, but there is NO way I am asking Snow White the Bitch to straighten it for me. I know that I am not going to win anything, so I decide to quit worrying about my costume and just focus on not falling flat on my face while on stage, or freezing like a deer in headlights.

FINALLY, the time has come, they start calling out contestants. And boy, they are hamming it up in their poses. I get more nervous. It is my time. I get the stagehand to help me up the steps. I step out onto the stage. OH. MY. GAWD. There are thousands of people in front of me, all screaming and cheering. I make it to my first X and count to 5. I try not to smile my natural BIG smile since the mask taped to my face might move too much and fall off, so I just hope I don’t look like I have the fake smile plastered on. The sight of so many people is starting to freak me out, so I just concentrate my view on the people in the first row. And I just keep looking at those 5 people on the front row. I strut down to the T and do my 10 seconds. Ok, here is my chance to ham it up. I feel stupid doing anything remotely “ham”ish. So, since I know my jacket billows out, I figure I will attempt to twirl around fast and let if flare out, and hope that I don’t look ridiculous doing so, when I walk back to the first X. I do it. (I am told it looked good and not stupid.) I get back to X, totally forget to look at the judges, smile for 5 seconds, and exit the stage. (Geesh! Where has all my Toddlers and Tiaras training gone?! “Look at the judges, look at the judges, make eye contact”. NOPE, didn’t happen at all.)

I am asked to take a photo, and sent on my way. I call Brady and he tells me where they are seated. I make my way up to them and BEG for something to drink, and guzzled his Dr. Pepper. (yuck) I sit next to Tate and he hands me the camera and asks me to take pics. OMG! This was the very same camera that I repeatedly told Chloë to stop using so that it would have enough battery and memory to video the costume contest for me. Well, obviously that didn’t happen. (And, as it turns out, Brady got my text telling him I was #10 about two seconds before they announced me and had to rush to get a pic of me with the other camera.) I text my friend Paul and my sisters and return all the messages on my phone, very shakily. Wow, I did it, I didn’t fall, I didn’t pee on myself. Oh, and I didn’t win.

Jesse, of course, won for his category, Best Male Hero. Lady Loki, who looked FABULOUS, won best female villain, and I had nothing in comparison with her costume. She earned it fair and square.
Lady Loki

There was a bit of fun with the Dalek, who won best in show. There was much “filming” done for the show, and we decided to leave after they announced the winners of the Singles. It was now after 10 pm (costume contest was supposed to be from 7:15-9.) The kids were begging to go home, so we skipped the Group portion of the show. I am told the Judges did a costume change and took a very long break, so it would have been HOURS more.

On the way out, I saw some of the group contestants that did Crossplay (where as I was just a gender swap,) and I stopped to take some pics. A bearded man in a green Poison Ivy leotard merits a photo.

Crossplayers Harley Quinn, Joker, Penguin and Poison Ivy

We finally make it out the car, and everyone kind of de-costumes as much as possible for a comfortable long trip home. Yes, I took off my corset in the parking lot in New Orleans. (I had a bra on underneath.) However, Brady will never let me live it down now. But I had attempted a ride home from NOLA in a corset once already and it was miserable. I put on my hoodie and rode home in comfort. Besides, no one was in the parking lot to see me in my bra. And it was just for a second.

We find out a few days later the tights I had on actually did some damage to my toes. I think they were cutting of the circulation. I was hobbled for days. My toe nail turned purple. After much elevation and soaking in Epsom salts, eventually I was able to walk again – pain free, after more than a week and a half. So, it wasn’t just normal oh-my-feet-hurt-from-so-much-walking pain, it was you-are-cutting-off-circulation-to-your-toes pain. I vow I WILL NEVER WEAR FISHNETS AGAIN. (My previous experience at the Vampire Ball= my toe kept going thru one of the “nets” and was killing me.)

Turns out my plan worked. I suffered through the costume contest in hopes that Brady would continue to keep me in fabulous wonderful costumes. The next day he was texting me pics of what he wanted to do for next year’s con. YAY! However, I WILL NOT DO A COSTUME CONTEST AGAIN. (Especially if I know they are filming a TV show!) I will let the kids try next year, as we KNOW their costumes will knock the socks off of a store bought costume.

And so concludes my nightmare of the Comic Con Costume Contest of 2014.




  1. I knew you before you became all that. Its my pleasure to have known such talented people.

  2. Wow, I find it ironic you commented on Yaya not being snobby when you seemed fairly snobby yourself to the people around you. "Snow White the Bitch", not good enough to fix you spat? The Riddler and Billy talking shit (That you say is untrue, but you won't even state what was said)?

    You sound a bit like Yaya, personally.

  3. I loved your blog! We cosplay in Portland and Seattle, and LOVE Jesse and Chin Chin! You are spot on about some of the cosplayers being real self-absorbed jerks--and they deserve the nicknames. Luckily 95% of cosplayers are just in it for the fun and to hang with their "tribe". The tv show does put a damper on the costume contest--there have only been two Wizard Worlds in Portland and Heroes has been there both times. I pray they leave us alone next year so the local cosplayers can shine (I do not compete--at least not yet lol) I just cheer on my 20 yr old daughter. Yaya is a savvy business woman and knows she must be kind to the public--of course she will have diva moments, but I have never seen her not stop and talk to or pose for a photo no matter how rushed she is--I LIKE HER! Lastly, I am a big girl as well and I love your costumes and attitude! Good luck and CosPlay on!!!!
